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EdisonLearnNow Summer School Special


US Government [Competency Based] (2nd semester)

SKU EDCB.SS004.CD Categories: , ,

Course Description

US Government offers students a comprehensive examination of this country’s government. Students explore the evolution of American democracy, from its birth in the eighteenth century to the expansive role of federal, state, and local governments today. The course covers topics such as changes to the Constitution, the function of the Supreme Court, the structure of Congress, and the importance of the media. The course explores the relationship between the political parties and lobbyists, and the process of monitoring and funding federal elections. Students investigate the roles of state and local governments and their impact on citizens’ daily lives. At the end of this course, students have a knowledge of and appreciation for the workings and history of the US government and understand its impact on American society.

Course Breakdown

  • Campaign process
  • Types of elections
  • Role of the media in government
  • The Bill of Rights US court system
  • Taxes and national debt
  • State governments and their authority
  • Local governments and their authority

Course Goals

  1. Describe the election process.
  2. Assess the role of the media in American politics.
  3. Explain how the Bill of Rights protects the important freedoms of individuals. Describe the role of the court system at the local and national levels.
  4. Contrast common law, statutory law, criminal law, and administrative law.
  5. Explain the relationship between the American economic system and the federal budget.
  6. Describe how state and local governments develop their budgets.


Your choice of 1 eCourse
$ 49
  • eCourse selection from the following options:

    • Core or elective high school or middle school eCourses

    • Career Preparatory eCourses
  • Access to Expert Teachers for Support

    • Teacher graded assessments and feedback

    • Enrollment Services


Your choice of 2 eCourses
$ 84
  • eCourse selection from the following options:

    • Core or elective high school or middle school eCourses

    • Project-Based Learning eCourses

    • Career Preparatory eCourses
  • Access to Expert Teachers for Support

    • Teacher graded assessments and feedback

    • Enrollment Services

    • A personal learning coach

    • Access to a lesson video library
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Your choice of THREE eCourses
$ 124
  • eCourse selection from the following options:

    • Core or elective high school or middle school eCourses

    • Project-Based Learning eCourses

    • Social-Emotional Learning eCourse

    • Career Preparatory eCourses
  • Instructional and Student Support Services

    • Teacher graded assessments and feedback

    • A personal learning coach

    • Access to a lesson video library

    • Three live instructional sessions per week or six hours of tutoring support