Computer Skills for Academic Success [Competency Based]
Computer Skills for Academic Success [Competency Based]
Computer programs are an integral part of day-to-day life, so it’s essential to have a basic understanding of how they work and how to use them safely and responsibly. In this course, students learn about file types, including PDFs, as well as basic file management. They also learn about digital citizenship and how to communicate effectively and appropriately on the Internet. Students explore the origins of open-source software, including the LibreOffice suite. Office productivity software is required for education and numerous professions. While some office software applications are quite expensive, a powerful and user-friendly group of programs called LibreOffice is available for free to everyone. Students explore this free application suite, learning how to create, save, and format documents in Writer; how to design spreadsheets and manipulate and perform calculations on data in Calc; and how to build, save, and customize slide show presentations in Impress. After completing this course, students will have the tools to work with and present information in a variety of forms for professional, academic, and personal use.