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Earth Science [Competency Based] (1st semester)

Earth Science [Competency Based] (1st semester)

Regular price $250.00 USD
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Course Description

Earth Science explores how a number of sciences, including geology, physics, chemistry, and biology impact the world and universe around us. In this interactive and engaging course, students study air, water, and the physical processes that shape the physical world, and how human civilization has affected the balance of nature. Students learn about the modern science behind topics from the Earth’s history, such as continental drift, ice ages, fossil dating, and geological timescale. Students will also look at processes that affect life today, such as weathering and erosion, the rock cycle, weather patterns, and climate. They will explore regular phenomena, the cause of the seasons and natural disasters. The students will examine the formation, acquisition and use of natural resources, as well as alternative energy sources. The students will also look at Earth as a small part of a larger universe in an exploration of astronomy. They will examine the Solar System and the stars and galaxies beyond it.

Course Breakdown

  • The nature of science and technology
  • Branches of earth science
  • Earth's spheres
  • The layers and composition of Earth
  • Plate tectonics
  • Continental drift
  • Earthquakes
  • Volcanoes
  • Mountain formation
  • Classes of rocks
  • The rock cycle
  • Age of Earth
  • Geological time
  • Glaciers
  • Weathering and erosion
  • Managing resources
  • Oceanography
  • Characteristics of ocean water
  • Ocean zones
  • Currents and waves
  • Energy transfer by the ocean

Course Goals

  1. Develop proper scientific methodology techniques and apply them in scientific investigations.
  2. Compare the structure of the different layers and spheres of Earth.
  3. Summarize the process of plate tectonics and how that has changed the surface of Earth.
  4. Describe how plate tectonics create earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain ranges.
  5. Distinguish between the classes of rocks and the cycle of formation of each of these classes.
  6. Demonstrate how the age of Earth is determined and identify the eras of geological time.
  7. Describe how glaciers form and the effect of glaciers on Earth's surface.
  8. Compare erosion and weathering and how those processes shape the surface of Earth.
  9. Summarize the processes that form resources and how those are distributed around the world.
  10. Explain the nature of ocean water at different depths, and how the ocean transfers energy through the world.
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