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Health and Wellness [Competency Based] (2nd semester)

Health and Wellness [Competency Based] (2nd semester)

Regular price $250.00 USD
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Course Description\nImagine the healthiest people you know. What are their secrets? While some health traits are genetically determined, the truth is everyone has the ability to make positive changes to better our physical health. In Health and Wellness, you will explore different lifestyle choices that can influence your overall health, from positively interacting with others to choosing quality health care and making sensible dietary choices. Wellness involves being healthy in body and mind. You will learn how to make positive choices that reduce stress and improve your mental and emotional health. You will also examine the choices and influences that can negative impact your overall wellness. You will have the opportunity to build your own plan for improvement and learn how to create the type of environment that will ensure your overall health, happiness, and well-being.\n\nCourse Breakdown\n\n Respiratory system\n Cancer\n Diabetes\n Hereditary conditions\n Immune system\n Immune disorders\n Sports injuries\n Digestive systems\n First aid techniques\n Stages of life\n Nervous system\n Emotional health Managing stress\n Exercise and mental health\n Using medications\n Alcohol abuse\n Tobacco\n Illegal drugs\n Drug addiction and abuse\n Reproductive systems\n Pregnancy\n Sexually transmitted infections\n HIV and AIDS\n Responsible relationships\n\nCourse Goals\n Summarize the components and conditions affecting the respiratory and digestive systems.\n Show the causes and treatments of cancer, diabetes, as well as hereditary and immune conditions.\n Describe basic first aid techniques for treating emergency conditions.\n Compare the health needs and issues at different stages of life.\n Relate the structure of the nervous system to its function, as well as mental and emotional conditions that affect the system. Investigate the effects of exercise on relieving stress and improving mental health.\n Show the effects of various drugs on the overall health of a person.\n Summarize the causes and effects of drug addiction.\n Compare symptoms and treatments of sexually transmitted infections.\n Describe appropriate behaviors involved in close personal relationships.

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